Sunday, March 8, 2009


We knew that 'Crazy Monday' would be, well, crazy. But we weren't prepared.

We went to school, just like any other day. But on this day we basically had a half-day, because Horb was having its Fasching Parade (Umzug).

I should have seen how the rest of the day was going to go, when at 12:00 in the morning, completely sober, I tripped and fell and skinned both knees. It was terrific. Or at least, that's what all of the angsty German teenagers who saw me fall, thought.

Brian headed home during lunch to get some things he would need for the rest of the day. He of course forgot to factor in the fact that there wouldn't be a bus back in, and he had to walk back down. So I waited for him, and the two of us ended up watching the umzug in front of the Hotel.
It was pretty amazing. It wasn't as dangerous as the Rottenburg parade, but it was really cool to get to see all of the costumes from this area. These costumes are very expensive, and are passed down through families. There's usually only one or two people in a region that can make these particular costumes. 

Here are some of my favorites:

(You may be thinking, why is there a bush in the street?)

(The answer is because it's a person..)

When the parade finally ends, everyone is supposed to follow it to where the big party is going to be. This year it was at the Firehouse. Which, is probably a good plan. 

For the sake of most of the people involved in 'Crazy Monday' festivities, I am going to keep this next part brief and vague.

Things that happened:
-Dancing on a foggy-stage
-Pole Dancing on a platform
-Finding a rubber snake in my pocket..

Things that almost happened:
- A particular person almost getting arrested... twice...
-A different person almost getting in a fight

Fortunately, everything worked out for the best. At least until bed-time.

I had already told Brian and Kelsey that they could sleep in my room, so they didn't have to find a way home. But then Joe realized that if he were to go home, it would have to be at 7:00p.m. So I told him he could stay too.

Then I get a call from Karla, saying that the night-taxi hadn't come and they'd been waiting for an hour, and could she sleep in my room tonight.

And Adam makes 6.

In my room I have a total of two blankets, a sleeping bag, and two pillows.
It was oddly similar to the logic-puzzle where you have a fox, a goat, and a head of lettuce, and you're trying to get all three across a river, but you can only take one at a time. 
-If you leave the goat with the fox, it will get eaten...
-If you leave the lettuce with the goat, it will get eaten...
-If Karla has a pillow, than she can't have a blanket,
-If Brian has a sleeping-bag he can't have a pillow...

Finally it was all sorted out. The next morning I woke up at 7:30 and just looked around my room. I felt like I was smuggling illegal aliens. The entire floor was covered with boys, the bed was being shared by the two girls. I was partially in costume still and just looked down to see my legs covered in dirt, glitter and a little bit of blood from my skinned knees. 

I woke everyone up, and helped them along their way, mentioning that never again could five other people sleep here at the same time. 

In the end I feel I did the right thing, because otherwise these kids might not have made it home okay. Plus, we all survived Crazy Monday, which is a major perk.

For us at least, Fasching was over. A feeling that was decidedly bittersweet.

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