Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fasching- a Peaceful Saturday

Friday I came home and napped the rest of the day after school. We were all pretty beat, and decided to call it an easy night. Then Cassie told me that her host-parents were skiing til Tuesday, and had left her the house to herself. 

Which can only mean one thing to a group of foreign students...

Let me make this clear. German food is delicious. I would eat like this at home if I could, but 6 weeks of basically just carbs was getting us all a little crazy. So Cassie and I met up on Saturday morning and bought a ton of veggies to make a stir-fry. We looked everywhere in Horb for some Tofu to add, but tragically we couldn't find any.

We rode the bus up to Nordstetten, the small town next to Horb where Cassie, Maya and Kelsey live. The original plan had been for Maya, Kelsey, Kimmy and Karla (from Mexico) to join us for lunch, so Cassie and I were prepared to cook a lunch for 6. Which slowly turned into a lunch for two. Kelsey and Maya decided to eat with their families, and Kimmy and Karla who live in a town further away called Ahldorf, couldn't get a bus in.

So Cassie and I had a delicious lunch of stir-fried veggies, all to ourselves.
(The Set Up)

(The Peppers, there was also zucchini, onion, garlic, snow peas, and rice)

(Enjoying the smell of food that is neither bread nor potato)

(The Final Product, if this doesn't belong on the cover of a magazine, I don't know what does)

After lunch, we met up with Maya and Kelsey, because Nordstetten was having a small parade for Fasching. I'm not sure if 'small' is a good enough description. It was teeny. The number of people in the Parade could have very easily been double the number of people watching. It was still really cool though. Sadly I didn't bring my camera with me, because it is a battery-eater.

After the Parade, we all headed back to Cassie's abandoned house, to watch a movie, and make some Gnocchi for dinner. As usual, the night ended in a little bar called Bella Arti, which is right down the street from my hotel.

An excellent day to get us ready for the craziness that would be coming our way in the next few days.

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