Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fasching- Parade in Rottenburg on Sunday

On Friday, our teacher Susan had recommended that we check out the Fasching parade in Rottenburg on Sunday. Joe, Adam, Kelsey, Cassie and I decided to do just that. We took a short train-ride to Rottenburg which is a pretty cute little town. 

This parade was a little more dangerous than cute little Nordstetten's. It turns out, for this brief period, anything goes. I mean anything. A parade like this in America would be shut down before they turned the first street corner. People in elaborate and horrifying costumes are allowed to harass the innocent bystanders.

Witches grabbed people, mainly girls with horrible blonde-dye-jobs, and threw them in wagons of hay that spin really really fast. Others would take a tube of black paint (or tar, or something) and just smear it on peoples faces. People watching got hay shoved in their faces, their hair messed up, and my personal favorite, confetti rubbed everywhere.

I made a pretty large mistake during the parade. I saw a witch with both hands filled with the most massive amount of confetti he/she could possibly carry. So I pointed at Cassie, hoping he would rub it in her hair.

(I got it instead..)

(And then I got a finger up my nose, and then into my ear)

(I am still finding confetti on my body)

The parade lasted for almost two hours. We got some sweet Crépes afterwards, and headed back to Horb. Naïvely, we thought that this trend would continue, that Fasching would wind down until Wednesday.

We were wrong...

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