Friday, March 6, 2009

Week 5 (Feb 16-20th)

I know, I know, I haven't written in a while. For as small as Horb am Neckar is, it certainly offers plenty to do, for me at least.

But anyhow.

Recovery from Triburg was a slow and steady process. Apparently, going from sweating profusely to having icicles form in your hair, isn't the best way to stay healthy. In addition to my horribly aching feet, (which by the way didn't compare to Kelsey's feet, which had been marinating in her wet Ugg boots all day) I also developed a little head-cold. Not to worry, the hearty diet of Southwestern Germany got me back to healthy pretty quickly.

The school week was positively normal, with one small exception. We were preparing for the weekend ahead, which in retrospect, how could we have prepared? 

My next post, will most certainly be longer, as I detail for you, dear readers, the wonders and the horrors of German Fasching. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know... I am living Vicariously through you here the least you could do is update once in a while :) I love you!!