Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 8 (Mar 9-13) And Stuttgart Weekend

Monday and Tuesday were days like any other, but Wednesday held something a little different for this small band of Americans in Germany. We headed to Tübingen, the town where we will be studying from April to August, in order to take care of some paperwork.

It's remarkable how inefficient and bureaucratic the school system can be some times. As foreigners, we were required to let the country know in what city we are living, and where exactly. The first day we came to Horb, the man who runs HHK, Herr Ost, told us he would come by "tomorrow" to help us fill out the essential paperwork. Now, 7 weeks later, we are actually filling it out.

We met with the woman who will be sort of responsible for us, and filled out lots of different types of forms. Forms for school, forms for international student groups, forms for housing, forms to get more forms. It was in a word, boring.

We ate lunch in one of the cafeterias, and were pleasantly surprised by both the quality and price. I also found out that there is a vegetarian cafeteria in Tübingen, which is awesome, except for the fact that I will have to take a bus to get there.

This week was also a little sad because one of the Mexicans, Karla, who was my first international friend, had gotten a really amazing prakticum in Nürnberg, and would be leaving us. Karla is pretty amazing, she speaks Spanish, English and French fluently, and her German is incredible. She is studying to be a lawyer, specifically immigration law. So Friday night we decided to have a little going-away party, that mostly just consisted of drinks at Bella Arti, which is probably what we would have done anyway :-D.

Saturday morning the HHK excursion was to Ulm, which I decided to miss, because I got to see it in 2006. Kelsey, Brian, Adam and I decided we would head to Stuttgart in the afternoon. It was really a pleasant day. We walked around, did a little window shopping. We stopped to have coffee at this cafe with a lot of outdoor seating, next to a park in the center of town. 

For dinner we decided to give German Mexican-Food one more shot, and went to a restaurant called "El Chico". It was actually very good. Brian and Adam have been complaining about the lack of Chipotle burritos here, and were pleased to discover that "El Chico" makes some pretty excellent burritos, and you can get "The Burrito Bomb" to go. It was also Happy Hour, so we had a few cocktails. It was a good thing we decided to eat there, because as it turns out, we have an El Chico in Tübingen.

After dinner, we met up with the Americans and Mexicans that had been in Ulm for the day, climbing the tallest church tower in Europe with a whopping 765 steps, and also going to the Bread Mueseum (really...?) We spent some time outdoors in the Schlossplatz, which is the big park in the middle of the city. 

We had talked about whether we wanted to try and spend the night in Stuttgart or not, and none of us really wanted to spend the money for a hostel, so some genius had the brilliant idea that we should just go to a couple of clubs, which stay open til 5:00 a.m., and just spend the night dancing. (Ok fine. It was my idea. I'm ashamed and should be punished, because it turned out to be a HORRIBLE decision) Being in a club all night, is a lot more difficult than it sounds. We ended up breaking into two groups, at two different clubs.

We finally got on the first train back to Horb at 5:18 in the morning. 
Probably not something I will ever do again.

Slept the whole day Sunday and recovered for the week ahead.

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