Sunday, March 8, 2009


Probably the most amount of pictures I've taken in a single day, were taken at the Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart.

So I woke up early, took a shower, and headed to the train station. Our group was pretty small this weekend, despite the really exciting destination. We took the train, which was about 45 minutes to an hour long, into Stuttgart.
We had Juliana as a tour guide again, which made Brian happy, ( :-D ) and she lead us on a very short tour around Stuttgart itself. We mostly just saw several famous fountains. I however chose to save my camera's battery for the Zoo.

We walked over to the zoo, and paid 4,50 euros to get in. We saw basically everything that was to be offered in three hours. I think people were surprised to discover that once I enter a Zoo, I immediately revert to my 8 year old self. I was running from exhibit to exhibit, giant grin on my face. 

Here are some of my favorite exhibits at the Zoo:
(A famous 1 yr old Polar Bear)

(That's right! I finally found my Malayan Tapir!)

(Samir, the baby rhino)

(Who by the way shares a birthday not only with Kelsey, but also Tisha!! August 11th)

(Careful.. Animals Bite)

At 3:00p.m. we all met up by the sea lions, to watch them get fed. It was a pretty spectacular show. The handler knew them all by names, and they would respond by name as well. Some of them did tricks like high-fives, while others would 'sing' for their supper. It was great.

Then we headed into Stuttgart for some free time. A group of us went to an asian restaurant for dinner, and I made my first yarn purchase in Europe. I'm going to buckle down and make a pair of socks. 

The train ride home was relatively miserable. There were a LOT of people on board. It was oddly reminiscent of being on a bus at U of M, except instead of standing too close to a bunch of strangers around your age, on the train it was a lot of older people, young children, and drunk soccer fans. 

All in all, it will probably be one of my favorite day trips from HHK. 

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